Loans for Facilities

We offer loans to qualified Brethren in Christ U.S. congregations and affiliated ministries to finance the purchase, construction, remodeling, or expansion of their facilities.
The Lending Process
Prior to completing an application, we strongly recommend contacting the Foundation’s loan officer to discuss your plans. The loan officer will discuss the Foundation’s lending process with you and offer suggestions for fundraising and project management. They will also be able to answer any questions you may have prior to applying.
It is important to note that the combination of equity and down payment must total at least 20% of appraised value. In some circumstances, the regional conference may be asked to participate by offering a guarantee of up to 100% of the amount of the loan.
A qualified appraisal is usually also required to support the purchase price, construction, or remodeling costs of the proposed project. The Foundation staff will review these documents, as well as any other requested information that may be necessary to determine eligibility. If the staff recommends approval, the loan application is then sent to the Foundation’s loan committee for final consideration.
Rates and Fees
The Foundation, unlike most banking institutions, does not charge any fees or points at closing. There are also no fees charged nor a premium interest rate used during the construction phase of a project.
The Foundation offers a range of variable interest rates. Your particular rate will depend on several factors, including but not limited to assessment of risk and creditworthiness.
Because interest rates are variable, the Foundation may adjust rates up or down at the beginning of any month. A 30-day written notice of the change is required prior to the effective date. Increases or decreases in interest rates may not be made retroactively.
Rates for both our loans and the investments that fund those loans are variable in order to react to changes in economic conditions. The intention of the Foundation is to keep loan rates and investment rates as stable as possible.
The Foundation prepares the promissory note and the mortgage documents (also known as a deed of trust in some states) and sends them to the closing agent. In some cases, additional documents may be necessary.
The applicant is responsible for all costs incurred, including but not necessarily limited to an appraisal, title insurance, mortgage record, and any other legal expenses associated with the closing.
Loan Repayments
When your loan closes, an amortization schedule, if desired, is provided showing the principal and interest due monthly. An interest-only payment will be taken in the month of closing and full principal and interest payments will begin the next month. All payments are taken automatically by Automated Clearing House (ACH) from your account on the first business day of each month.
If there is a construction phase, interest is billed monthly on the amount of the total draws to date and is taken from your account by ACH. Once construction is complete or the loan funds have been fully disbursed, the loan is amortized, and automatic payments of principal and interest begin the following month and are taken on the first business day.
Since the Foundation has no prepayment penalties, additional principal payments may be made at any time by check or by ACH at the request of you, the borrower.

Learn More
Contact John Burns for more information.
(717) 796-4788 ext. 5438