BIC Foundation Announces Tiered Demand Certificates and Rate Increase
June 5, 2024

The Brethren in Christ Foundation is pleased to announce a restructuring of our Demand Certificates (formerly known as TAPs). Historically, we have offered both Demand Certificates and Special Demand Certificates for our investors: Special Demand Certificates were for investments exceeding $2,000, for investors over 65, or for organizations and churches.
Starting July 1, 2024, all our Demand Certificates will move to a fully tiered structure. The tiers will be determined by the investment balance: the higher the balance, the higher the rate of return on that investment. This tiered structure encompasses Special Demand Certificates and extends higher returns to more investors.
“This shift offers more attractive rates to current and new investors,” says Sean Kleckner, account officer. “We hope to draw reserve funds, emergency funds, building funds, vacation funds, and more from our investors, churches, and organizations that are currently invested elsewhere.”
Our Demand Certificates offer a flexible, accessible investment option. Unlike other investments that limit access to your funds, our Demand Certificates give you easy access to add new investment dollars or redeem funds from your investment at any time without penalty.
Overall Rate Increase
We are also pleased to share an upcoming rate increase on all Brethren in Christ Foundation investments. On July 1, 2024, almost all of our investments will receive a rate increase of 0.50% (50 basis points), with the 10-year IRA Notes and 15-month Term Certificates receiving a 0.25% (25 basis points) increase.
“We ask that you, and your church or organization, would consider investing funds with the Foundation, as we continue to serve and help grow Christ’s kingdom,” says Sean.